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Case Study:
Global SAP Enterprise Transformation

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A global mining software and equipment company had previously implemented SAP at its primary manufacturing location in the US. However, they used a rapid “templated” design that fell short of their specific requirements — requirements that included unique CRM, RMA, and “configure-to-order” supply chain processes, as well as 9 global locations using spreadsheets and small ERP solutions to manage their sales, distribution, and supply chain channels. All of this contributed to an operation that wasn’t running properly, from both a financial roll-up as well as a supply chain and logistics perspective.


Endeavor was contracted to perform an assessment of the existing architecture Brady diagram, which showed 60+ legacy systems, many of which hadn’t been integrated and fell short of key requirements. Opportunities were revealed that drove a strong business case around operational and efficiency improvements, lost business, and data intelligence to drive a large, multi-national SAP enterprise implementation in nine countries.


Endeavor’s SAP design would dramatically improve finances, supply chain planning, CRM (Salesforce) integration, warehouse management, S&OP/MRP, engineering change management, and many other major functionalities at the company. The SAP implementation included local jurisdictional requirements — government forms in Russia, Nota Fiscal in Brazil, etc. —; as such, Endeavor language experts were on hand in each country to assist in design, implementation, and training.


All aspects of this project, from conception to implementation — process, system, data designs, training, change management, knowledge transfer, initial sustainment — were handled by Endeavor, to great success.


Endeavor drove, executed, and delivered the assessment and implementations on-the-ground in Asia, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and North America. Thanks to a new global financial process (with clear roll-ups in one SAP System), the company realized major business benefits. Supply chain planning and execution was brought in line with the business process, the sales processes included Salesforce integration for field workers, and a managed global system streamlined processes overall.


Executing the change management and global engagement was a difficult task, thanks to geographic and language constraints, but Endeavor succeeded in rolling out the project globally in multiple phases, and a great deal of the initial business case benefits of the company were realized.

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